Balance Center
Vestibular Testing
Audiological tests
The other organ found in the inner ear is the cochlea. The cochlea is the sensorineural hearing organ. The cochlear and vestibular nerve fibers exit the inner ear and join together as the eighth cranial nerve and synapse in the brainstem. Processes that impact the vestibular system can also impact sensorineural hearing, and so the standard of care for the assessment of vestibular conditions can also include formal audiological evaluation.
Types of problems that we diagnose and treat in the center include:
– Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
– Fixed unilateral peripheral vestibular hypofunction
– Fixed bilateral peripheral vestibular hypofunction
– Meniere’s syndrome
– Vestibular migraine
– Persistent postural perceptual dizziness
– Mal de debarquement syndrome
– Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome
– Vestibular schwannoma and other neoplasms
– Autoimmune inner ear disease
– Episodic ataxia
– Cerebellar ataxia
– Changes of normal aging vs. neurodegenerative conditions
To obtain more information about these disorders: Click Here